Prof. Dr. Agnes Rosner

30167 Hannover

Research Interests
- Interaction of perceptual attention and working memory
- Elaboration in working memory and long-term memory
- Eye movements during verbal memory retrieval
- Exemplar-based judgment and categorization
- Process tracing in preferential judgments
- Ambivalence in decision making
- Memory processes in human-machine interaction
Education and Professional Experience
since 2023
Professor for General Psychology, General Psychology, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
since 2020
Scientific Associate, Cognitive Psychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
2016 –2020
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cognitive Decision Psychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
PhD (Dr. rer. nat., grade: summa cum laude), Department of Cognitive and Engineering Psychology, TU Chemnitz, Germany
2013 –2016
Research Scientist, Cognitive and Engineering Psychology, TU Chemnitz, Germany
Visiting Researcher, Economic Psychology, University of Basel, Switzerland
2009 – 2013
Research Scientist, Cognitive and Engineering Psychology, TU Chemnitz, Germany
Diploma in Psychology, TU Chemnitz, Germany
Research Intern, Transportation and Logistics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
Grants and Awards
Flexibility Grant (30.000 CHF)
1-year grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)2019
Ambizione Grant (911.146 CHF)
career funding granted by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for a four-year research project at the Cognition Lab, University of Zurich, Switzerland2016
University Prize, Technical University Chemnitz, Germany (1.000€)
Student Poster award of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (250 USD)
Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA2013
Research grant (8.600 EUR)
granted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for a sixth month research visit at the Centre for Economic Psychology, Basel, Switzerland2012
Travel grant (2.000 EUR)
granted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for presenting research at the 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Sapporo, Japan -
Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular Activities
2018 – 2022
Representative of Junior and Mid-Level Faculty of the Psychology Department (Mittelbauvertreterin), Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Peer mentoring project “Methods and Statistics” and “R”
Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland2016 – 2022
Selection committee poster award at “MaDoCo”
Institute of Psychology, University of Zurich, SwitzerlandPerson of trust for PhD students and Postdocs
Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland